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Welcome to Alkami’s SDK! This space is a dedicated resource to guide new users through the setup of a full test environment and the installation of Visual Studio C# templates. There are tutorials, How To pages. and a blog that developers should bookmark and visit regularly.

Development Environment

The Alkami Platform (also known as the Orb platform) is a collection of web applications and Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services. A Microsoft SQL Server instance serves data by a small set of legacy WCF IIS services, and an ever-growing suite of standalone Windows Services referred to as microservices. These services aggregate information from SQL Server databases and third-party vendors. This highly configurable information is seamlessly served to the client application so members can experience the ultimate digital banking solution.

Alkami Software Development Kit

We can distinguish between the Platform and the SDK.

  • The Platform is the base run-time product developed and maintained by Alkami, where many of the underlying parts cannot be edited using the SDK.
  • The SDK provides the tools you can use to add to the platform in the same way that Alkami developers do.

To extend the platform, you create additive web components (referred to as Widgets), widget extensions (referred to as Snippets), and Modules that will bolt onto the existing base platform without altering the underlying environment. These bolt-on components can then communicate with microservices running on the server-side application tier. These services provide the functionality to persist data, retrieve data, or even communicate with third-party endpoints hosted elsewhere on the web. The services and the web applications are combined to create a Feature Compound that defines user-facing functions such as Transfers, Bill Pay, or Card Management. You can use the SDK to create these feature compounds. The platform is provided so you can run your work on a local machine.

A developer will use Visual Studio project templates and Alkami-developed NuGet packages to create Widgets, Snippets, Modules and Microservices.

How To Develop

A common development pattern is to write code in Visual Studio using Alkami’s templates and NuGet packages and then deploy the assembled code to a running ORB development environment. Typically, you must restart the web client to pick up the newly added assemblies. The IIS web processes will need to be stopped and sometimes the ASP.Net temp cached files must be cleared. After the web client process starts up, you can view the changes in the browser.